Dill | sowa | Anethum sowa | dill leaves | use of dill | types of dill | Anethum graveolens | disease and pest of dill



Indian dill - Anethum sowa

♢ European dill - Anethum graveolens

Family - Umbelliferareae

● ● It is a minor spice.

● is of two types: -

1. European dill

2. Indian dill

● Uses

● Dill seeds, both whole and ground, are used as seasonings in soups, processed meat salads, sauces, spicy table sauces.

● Dill leaves are used fresh or dried as aromatic herbs. The leaves can be used to make tea. The seeds of the plant can be used as a spice.

● Dill oil is extracted from the leaves, stems and seeds of the plant. The seed oil is distilled and used in the production of soaps.

● Green grass is used as a flavoring agent.

● AROMA is due to Hexhydrobenzofuran from 4.5 to 7.5 mg / g of dry weight.

● Annual herbaceous with aromatic leaves.

● Dill is widely grown in Eurasia, where its leaves and seeds are used as herbs or spices to flavor food.

● Dill grows 40 to 60 cm (16 to 24 inches), with thin, hollow stems and alternate, finely divided, smooth and delicate leaves 10 to 20 cm (4 to 8 inches) long.

● The flowers are white to yellow in color, in small umbels 2 to 9 cm (0.8 to 3.5 inches) in diameter. The seeds are 4 to 5 mm (0.16 to 0.20 in) long and 1 mm (0.04 in) thick and are straight or slightly curved with a longitudinally ridged surface.

● Ripe, light brown seeds have an aromatic odor and have a warm, aromatic and slightly spicy taste almost reminiscent of cumin seeds.


Dill flower
Dill flower

[ Image crdit by:- Wikimedia common]

● It is a winter season crops.

● Also grown on moderately fertile soils.

● It is grown on light to heavy soils.




●  seeds rate: 3 to 4 kg.

● Sowing period: October to November.

● Spacing: 25 to 30 cm between lines.

● The sowing depth is between 2 and 3 cm.

● Seed germination occurs 10 to 12 days after sowing.

Complementary sowing

When used as a companion plant, dill attracts many beneficial insects as the umbrella flower heads turn into seeds. It is a good companion plant for cucumbers and broccoli.

It is a poor companion plant for carrots and tomatoes.

Dill plant
Dill plant

[ Image crdit by:- Wikimedia common]

● The number of irrigations is between two and three.


● As a vegetable use in stage 4-5 leaf.

● The seed is collected by cutting the flower heads from the stems when the seed begins to ripen. The seed heads are placed upside down in a paper bag and left in a warm, dry place for a week. The seeds are then easily separated from the stems for storage in an airtight container.

● It takes 70-80 days for the dill crop to flower.


● Flowering: from the end of December to the second week of January.

● Pollination - cross pollination.

● Pollinator: bees.

● Harvest - March.

● Duration of the harvest: from 130 to 150 days.

■ Average seed yield under rain-fed conditions.

it varies from 7 to 9 quintals per hectare.

■ Percentage of seed oil: 2.88% in the shade.

                                        1.03% Dry in the sun outdoors.


Cercospora leaf blight - Cercosporidium punctum

Damping - Pythium spp. Or Rhizoctonia solani

Downy mildew Mold - Downy mildew umbellifarum

Powdery mildew - Erisyphe heraclei


Aphids (carrot willow aphids) - Cavariella aegopodii

Fall Armyworm - Pseudaletia unipuncta

Cutworms - Agrotis spp.

● Nematodes

Root nematode - Meloidogyne spp.

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