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[ Image credit by:- Flickr]
●Scientific name - Myristica fragrans
●Family - Myristicaceae
● Nutmeg produces two separate spices, namely nutmeg and mace (Javitri in Hindi).
● Nutmeg is the dry grain of the seed which is hard and brown, encased in a fine and crumbly shell and macerates the dry aril that surrounds it.
● Origin - Moluccas island ( Indonesia)
● Indian name- jaiphal (hindi)
Jayikai ( kannada)
Jathikka( Malayalam)
Jatiphala( Sanskrit)
Jathikai ( Tamil)
Jajikai( Telugu)
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[ Image credit by:- Flickr]
● Another name for nutmeg in English is fragrant and tree nutmeg.
● Nutmeg is dense and attractive evergreen foliage.
● The number of chromosomes in nutmeg is 2n = 42.
□ Nausea, stomach, spasms and pains, intestinal gas and diarrhea.
● Nutmeg trees are normally dioecious in nature.
● A sandy to clayey soil type is required for the cultivation of nutmeg.
● Nutmeg needs a warm and rainy tropical climate.
● 700 m is the altitude of the nutmeg.
● Nutmeg is susceptible to the climatic characteristics of strong winds.
● For the cultivation of nutmeg 25 to 30 degrees Celsius are required.
● Nutmeg requires an average rainfall of 2650 mm.
● The daily temperature in nutmeg ranges from 23 to 31 degrees Celsius (high to low)
● The male nutmeg tree has erect branches and the leaves are generally smaller.
● Male trees are noticeably less leafy than female trees, the shape of the trees is not so regular. IMPORTANT NOTES: - THE CALCIUM OXALATE CONTENT OF THE LEAVES IS ALSO TAKEN AS A CRITERIA FOR SEX IDENTICATION IN NUTMEG.
● The root system of nutmeg usually consists of a main root system.
● Type of fruit - Drupe
● Propagation - Seed (time required for germination 30-90 days after sowing).
● Transplanting: 18-24 month old seedlings are used for transplantation.
● promising propagation method: using the epicotyl graft technique.
● Planting (rainy season): the seedlings are transplanted into the main field when they are aged between 12 and 18 months with a distance of 8 * 8m.
● Since nutmeg has a very superficial root system, the trench should not be deep and generally not intercropping very close to the trunk.
● Seedlings start producing in 7 - 8 years, while grafts start producing in 4 - 5 years.
● Nutmeg blooms over the years with a peak in a few months.
● Therefore, the peak harvest season is from June to August.
● The fruit takes 9 months from flowering to harvest.
● When the fleshy ring (cover) of the crack opens, the fruit is fully ripe for harvesting.
● The harvesting phase of nutmeg is when the fruit is toasted and shows a bright red mace.
● Nutmeg is harvested by hand or harvested with a collection basket on a long stick.
● Once dry, the club should be stored in a dark warehouse in the tropics for approximately 3 months.
● The drying temperature of nutmeg is below 45 degrees centigrade.
● In nutmeg, insects can be killed by spraying.
● The dried aril is removed from the seed as it is mace.
● Individual nutmeg weight - 60 g
Seed weight- 6 to 7 gm
Mace weight - 3 to 4 gm
Rest is pericarp
● Average 2000 to 3000 fruit per tree per year.
■ The main problem facing nutmeg cultivation is the segregation of seedlings in a 1: 1 ratio for male and female trees, which results in 50% unproductive trees. Therefore, to overcome this problem, it is now recommended to plant grafts with female tree scions.
■ For every 10 female trees, 1 male tree was kept.
■ The rest of the male can become female by working on it.
○ DIEBACK (Diplodia natalensis)
○ THREAD BLIGHT(Marasmius sp.)
○ FRUIT ROT (Diplodia natalensis)
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