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⊙ minor spices.
⊙ Origin: Egypt and Syria.
⊙ Cumin is one of the most popular spices and is commonly used in the cuisines of Latin America, the Middle East, North Africa and India, among many others.
⊙ It is available in both whole and ground seeds.
⊙Turkey and Iran are our main competitors for cumin seeds.
⊙ The main cumin producers are China.
⊙ Mexico is another great producer.
⊙Cumin seeds have an aromatic fragrance due to cuminol and alcohol.
⊙ Black cumin or fennel flower (Nigella sativa), a similar Eurasian herb from the Ranunculaceae family, is also used as a condiment.
The seeds are mainly used as a condiment to flavor pickled vegetable soups.
⊙ Scientific name - Cuminum Cyminum
⊙ Family - Umbelliferae
⊙It is an annual plant that reaches a height of 30 to 45 cm.
⊙Each branch has two to three sub-branches. All branches reach the same height, so the plant has a uniform canopy.
○ Cumin is sometimes confused with caraway (Carum carvi), another spice from the parsley family (Apiaceae). Cumin, however, is spicier, lighter in color, and larger.
Many European languages do not clearly distinguish between the two. Many Slavic and Uralic languages refer to cumin as "Roman cumin" or "spice cumin". Bunium persicum and Bunium bulbocastanum, distant relatives, and Nigella sativa, which are not related, are sometimes referred to as black cumin.
Climate and soil: -
⊙ it is a tropical crops, mild climate.
⊙ It has a growing season of 100 to 120 days.
⊙ The optimal growth temperature ranges are between 25 and 30 ° C. The Mediterranean climate is the most suitable for its growth. Growing cumin requires a long, hot summer of three to four months..owth. Growing cumin requires a long, hot summer of three to four months..
At low temperatures, the color of the leaves changes from green to purple. High temperatures can shorten the growing season and induce early ripening.
⊙ Grown mainly in the semi-arid in its extensions of Rajasthan and Gujarat.
It can be grown as a winter crop in areas where a period of drought prevails in the months of February and March, when the flowering and fruit set process takes place.
⊙soil: -
• Well-drained soil, of medium-heavy texture, of medium-high fertility.
⊙Variety: -
● variety of typologies introduced: Topolka, number 1
● Rajasthan jeera - 19
● Gujarat cumin - 1
⊙ Sowing time: -
¤ From mid-November to the first week of December.
¤ Before sowing seeds must be treated with mushrooms of adequate height at the rate of 2 g / kg of seed.
¤ Optimal seed rate: 12 to 15 kg per hectare.
¤ Sowing through broadcasting or line sowing.
¤ Lines showing a 30 cm gap between the path and the rows are better than the transmission for cross-cultural operations.
¤ The seat can be drilled at a distance of 15 cm along the line.
⊙ Manure and fertilizer: -
□ FYM is applied at a rate of 15 to 20 tonnes per hectare as a basal fertilizer during soil preparation.
○ Nitrogen at 50 kg per hectare.
▪ Phosphorus at the rate of 20 kg per hectare.
⊙ Irrigation: -
■ A light irrigation should be given immediately after showing, followed by another irrigation after 8-10 days.
☆ Weed of cumin:-
Zeeri (plantage pumile)
It is an important weed in humans due to its morphological similarity to cumin plants as the herb only stands out in the coma-flowering stage and the wait is only done to avoid contamination of the cumin seeds.
⊙ Harvest and yield: -
• The crop matures in 80-120 days depending on the variety and the agro-climatic conditions.
• Mature plants are plucked and stored in sunlight for drawing.
• The seeds are separated manually by beating with sticks.
⊙Yield: -
0-8 quintals per hectare are obtained.
⊙ Grading
• The three noteworthy sorts of cumin seed in the market vary in seed shading, amount of oil, and flavor.
India, South Asia
Middle East
1 Alternaria bacterial
2. Fusarium wilt
3. powdery mildew
1 Aphids (Myzus persicae)
2.mitas (Petrobia latens)
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