Showing posts from December, 2020Show all
Method of fruit breeding | steps of fruit breeding method | what is mutation breeding | what is polyploidy breeding | what is hybridization and their steps | what is back cross | what is genetic engineering
Irrigation system used in greenhouse | perimeter watering system in greenhouse | tube watsring system in greenhouse | Drip irrigation system in greenhouse | overhead irrigation system in greenhouse | Ebb and flow system in greenhouse | What is filter and different kinds of filters
Design criteria of greenhouse for cooling and healthy purpose | design criteria of greenhouse  | meaning of glazing |  greenhouse cooling | what is ventillation and their types | additional cooling or cooling of greenhouse | what is pad and fan system | meaning of fog system | humidity control of greenhouse | vapour pressure deficit of greenhouse | modes of heat transfer in greenhouse | greenhouse ventilation design | greenhouse heating and cooling system | greenhouse fans and heaters | greenhouse heating requirements
Design criteria of greenhouse for cooling and healthy purpose | Planning and design of greenhouse | site selection and orientation | what is dead load | what is live load | what is wind load | what is snow load | covering and cladding material | covering material life span | Planning and construction of greenhouse | construction of greenhouse
Garden | types of garden | meaning of hedge | classification of hedge | edging and types of edging | flower beds and border