marigold production in india | abstract on production technology of marigold | production technology of flower | Abstract on production technology of flower | varieties of marigold in india

   Thematic area: Production Tchnology of flower

       Production Technology of marigold

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Marigold(Tageteserecta), belongs to the family of Asteraceace, is one of the most commonly grown commercial flower crop in India. It is one of the important flower crop among stemless cut flower and the hardiest one. Among 50 species of marigold only cultivated species are Tageteserecta (African marigold) and Tagetespatula (French marigold).Each varities have different characteristics that bloom size,shape,colouretc.Well drained sandy loam soil and mild climate of 15-18oC (Night temperature) and 18-25oC (Day temperature) are best suited for quality flower production. It is propagated by both methods i.e., Seeds and Cuttings (For maintaining the purity of varieties). In high hills and low hills the planting and flowering time is May-June; October- mid December and September- October; March- April. Spacing for African and French Marigold is 40 x 40 cm and 30 x 20 cm (Intensive cultivation); 60 x 60 cm and 60 x 40 cm (Ordinary condition). Season of planting determines the frequency of irrigation. Hand weeding can be done at fortnightly intervals. Marigold flowers should be plucked when they attain the full size depending upon the variety. Plucking of flowers should be done in cool hours of the day either in the morning or evening.Under proper management condition, yield per plant is around 1.5-2kg. Damping off (Rhizoctoniasolani) and Leaf spot (Alternariatagetica) are two major diseases which causes economic loss in marigold cultivation.

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